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FANA Members' Contributions To Publications

(listed from newest to oldest)

  • Wang, J., Bird, J.A., Cleary, K., Doucette, J., du Toit, G., Groetch, M., Gupta, R.,Hathaway,K., Klein, S., Lack G., Leeds, S., Leon, T., Lewis, M., Lieberman, J., Nowak-Wegrzyn, A., Scribner, P., Vickery, B.P., Warren, C.M. (2024). Awareness and application of US food allergy prevention guidelines among pediatricians and other pediatric clinicians. The Journal of Pediatrics. 114218-.

  • ​Kagan, O. &; Kelly, S. (2024). Stakeholders’ Perceptions of the Certified Allergy Nurse Educator Role and Its Value. OJIN. [Submitted for publication].

  • ​Howard-Ruben, J., &; Doucette, J. (2023). Exploring novel approaches to food allergy management. Journal of the American Association of Nurse Practitioners, 35(12), 843-852.

  • ​Thompson, D. (2022). Comment on 'Position statement on the role of nurses in therapeutic patient education in atopic dermatitis'. Journal Euopean Academy of Dermatology and Venereology, 36(5) :e341-e342. doi: 10.1111/jdv.17799. Epub.  PMID: 34753199.

  • ​Russell, A. F., Kagan, O., &; Huber, M. M. (2020). Parent perspectives on food allergy management and safety during the COVID-19 pandemic. Journal of Food Allergy.

  • ​Kagan, O. (2019). Factors associated with college students’ willingness and readiness to act in a food allergic emergency (WilRAFAE), Journal of American College Health.

  • ​Kagan, O. (2018). Development of a measure to assess factors associated with college students’ willingness and readiness to act in a food allergic emergency (WilRAFAE): A pilot. Cogent Psychology: Health. Web.

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